Your completed document is proofread to identify and correct the kind of routine blemishes often overlooked by the original author and by word processing programmes. Success in any form of writing can be sabotaged by such elusive mistakes, from errors in spelling and punctuation to faulty grammar and syntax. There is no substitute for skilled proofreading.
Copy Editing/Revision
As well as having your text proofread you can opt for advanced revision to evaluate and enhance its clarity, consistency, coherence and overall presentation. This includes examining the structure and the flow of argument or narrative, pacing and suspense, uses of pathos or humour. Advice will take into account your target audience, and ensure that the tone is in keeping with your own personal or corporate style.
As well as presentational advice you can choose academic tutoring regarding your ideas. This service is available for writing on arts-related subjects, from any area of literature in English and cultural studies to the visual arts and modern British history. For articles, essays and postgraduate dissertations each tutorial takes the form of a two-step dialogue: you send your text with a summary of its theme and academic level, plus any questions you wish to pursue. In reply you receive comments, suggested improvements and questions to consider. You then re-submit your amendments, with any further questions; these in turn receive final responses and the revised document. For PhD theses and other more substantial manuscripts a more individual arrangement can be made.
“All the words I use in my stories can be found in the dictionary – it’s just a matter of arranging them into the right sentences.”